DM Elite Linjeløb Fyn 2020

DM Elite Linjeløb Fyn 2020


Arne Birkemose
Team IBT-Ridley Sydkysten Cycling
Shown results have been verified and approved

Withdrawn during race

Hours Minutes Seconds

Distance Herre Elite
Laps 12
Total time 3:24:59
Distance in total 140.4 km
Distance (lap) 11.7 km
Average lap 17:04
41.09 km/h
Fastest lap 15:45
44.53 km/h
Slowest lap 20:33
34.15 km/h
Participant (#46)
Arne Birkemose
Team IBT-Ridley Sydkysten Cycling
21 years (25 today)

Age category is calculated based on the age of the athlete. The age at 23 August 2020.

Swipe horizontally to view all splits
Lap Total time
Time Pace Time Time of day
Lap 1 17:17 40.59 km/h 17:17 13:47:17
Lap 2 16:44 41.95 km/h 34:01 14:04:01
Lap 3 16:50 41.68 km/h 50:52 14:20:52
Lap 4 17:11 40.83 km/h 1:08:04 14:38:04
Lap 5 16:26 42.69 km/h 1:24:30 14:54:30
Lap 6 17:35 39.90 km/h 1:42:06 15:12:06
Lap 7 16:36 42.26 km/h 1:58:42 15:28:42
Lap 8 15:45 44.53 km/h 2:14:28 15:44:28
Lap 9 16:41 42.04 km/h 2:31:10 16:01:10
Lap 10 16:56 41.45 km/h 2:48:06 16:18:06
Lap 11 16:19 43.01 km/h 3:04:26 16:34:26
Lap 12 20:33 34.15 km/h 3:24:59 16:54:59
Lap times
Timing by DCU Distrikt JF. Sportstiming is only responsible for registration.
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