HotCup 2018 - 2 Afd. Tisvilde Hegn

HotCup 2018 - 2 Afd. Tisvilde Hegn


Anders Høeg Johansen
Nothing Hill MTB

3 laps

Hours Minutes Seconds

Distance 2. Afd. Tisvilde Hegn
Laps 3
Total time 1:36:33
Distance in total 27.3 km
Distance (lap) 9.1 km
Average lap 28:37
19.07 km/h
Fastest lap 28:35
19.10 km/h
Slowest lap 28:38
19.06 km/h
Participant (#12)
Anders Høeg Johansen
Nothing Hill MTB
Brønshøj, Denmark
Male, 42 years (48 today)
Herre 40-49 år

Age category is calculated based on the age of the athlete. The age at 2 May 2018.

Swipe horizontally to view all splits
Lap Total time
Time Pace Time Position Time of day
Lap 0 10:40 10:40 176 18:40:48
Lap 1 28:35 19.10 km/h 39:16 182 19:09:24
Lap 2 28:38 19.06 km/h 1:07:54 179 19:38:02
Lap 3 28:38 19.06 km/h 1:36:33 174 20:06:41
Lap times