ABC Københavns klubmesterskab 2023

ABC Københavns klubmesterskab 2023


Jakob Johnsen

6 laps

Hours Minutes Seconds

Distance 42 km
Laps 6
Total time 1:11:13
Distance in total 42 km
Distance (lap) 7 km
Average lap 11:52
35.38 km/h
Fastest lap 11:31
36.42 km/h
Slowest lap 12:08
34.61 km/h
Participant (#67)
Jakob Johnsen
Herre Motion male

Age category is calculated based on the age of the athlete. The age at 16 August 2023.

Swipe horizontally to view all splits
Lap Total time
Time Pace Time Position Time of day
Lap 1 11:41 35.91 km/h 11:41 8 17:57:25
Lap 2 11:31 36.42 km/h 23:13 6 18:08:57
Lap 3 11:48 35.56 km/h 35:02 7 18:20:45
Lap 4 12:08 34.61 km/h 47:10 6 18:32:54
Lap 5 12:01 34.95 km/h 59:11 7 18:44:55
Lap 6 12:02 34.90 km/h 1:11:13 6 18:56:57
Lap times
Timing by DGI Nordsjælland. Sportstiming is only responsible for registration.
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