Tour De Charlottenlund 2022 OCC

Tour De Charlottenlund 2022 OCC


Marco Romano
Frederiksberg Bane-& Landevejsklub

Withdrawn during race

Distance Elite
Laps 10
Distance in total 20 km
Distance (lap) 2 km
Average lap 2:27.28
48.88 km/h
Fastest lap 2:22.92
50.38 km/h
Slowest lap 2:34.61
46.57 km/h
Participant (#B118)
Marco Romano
Frederiksberg Bane-& Landevejsklub
Male, 29 years (31 today)
Swipe horizontally to view all splits
Lap Total time
Time Pace Time Time of day
Lap 1 2:34.61 46.57 km/h 2:34.61 19:17:34
Lap 2 2:28.39 48.52 km/h 5:03.08 19:20:03
Lap 3 2:22.92 50.38 km/h 7:25.93 19:22:25
Lap 4 2:26.50 49.14 km/h 9:52.44 19:24:52
Lap 5 2:24.39 49.86 km/h 12:16.83 19:27:16
Lap 6 2:26.24 49.23 km/h 14:43.08 19:29:43
Lap 7 2:25.47 49.49 km/h 17:08.56 19:32:08
Lap 8 2:26.26 49.23 km/h 19:34.82 19:34:34
Lap 9 2:29.11 48.28 km/h 22:03.94 19:37:03
Lap 10 2:28.92 48.35 km/h 24:32.87 19:39:32
Lap times
Timing by DCU Distrikt Sjælland. Sportstiming is only responsible for registration.
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